Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Who Moved My Cheese?" What It Means to Me.

by Stephanie Zahl

In my lastfew blogs I have been talking abouttime management and it's importance in freeing up your time and energy for what is really important to you. Now I'd like to address what comes next in my brain anyways. I live inWest Michiganin an area that is not doing well. We have a largenumber ofpatients who are involved in the housing industry. There was only one house built in our township last year.Things have been going down hill around here for the last 10 years, but these guys (most of whom I think are extremely bright)wouldn't see what was happening to their industry. All this made me decide to finallyread the book "Who Moved My Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. I've seen this book on the shelves of my favorite book store for years, but I've never paid it close attention. I had important books to read like Napolean Hill's "The Law of Success" or books on how to be more organized andbe more effective. So finally after all these years I pickedup this little gem
The book talks about the lives of four characters who live in a maze, 2 mice and 2 little people. Thepeople as you can imagine over complicate things while the mice liveprepared to move on with what's next. I was surprised to find myself relating more with the mice. I've spent the last few yearsexamining every aspect of who I am trying to learn ways tobe better.I've started a blog and a new business, as well as home schooling ourkids, and handling my husbands office. My husband has been the Hem character for the longest timedisliking the changes in me, and in the business that we built our dreams around. Thoughrecently I've been seeing some Haw poke through.He hasbegun his own blog writing all the things he wants to tell his patients, but just doesn't have time.I see some one who has left his comfort zone and is trying something newI really enjoyed thevisualization process that Haw went through when he was trying todecide what to do. We have read similar ideas in other self help books,this book really alllows you to see the pictures in your head
This book does emphasis the one step so many of us miss action, he went from visualizing what he wanted to pursuing it. He realized he was never going to get more cheese just sitting where he was. He wasn't going to get any more cheese just sitting there. The initial step is always the scariest but once you get moving it's easier to keep going. This story is both ageless and timely.Our world is changing at a rate that is unheard of and once out cheese is gone it is not coming back. We all need totake a good look at ourlives and make plans on how to find our next cheese.
We are going to read this book as a family as well as reviewing it from time to time to help keep the ideas fresh in my mind. I recommend this book for everyone mothers, fathers, teens, employees, business owners. We allneed to prepare for the changes that are happening so quickly around us. Now is the time to start preparing the way for change for those of us who still have time. If your cheese is already gone now is the time to change. Read the book and then if your ready to start looking for a new cheese watch this" target=new>video

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