Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sun Tzu - The Use of The Office Gossip

Most people will say that its not honest to use spies in what we do. But I don't agree with this statement. Spies if used with integrity and honestly can be a great asset to an establishment. With spies you can know why the competitors is getting more business or what they are doing differently. Maybe their product or sales team is better, so then you can improve your product or team with this piece of info. That is why Sun Tzu has dedicated a chapter on the use of spies. Below is one of the verse "Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men." Verse 6 Chapter 13. THE USE OF SPIES Even the office gossip is useful. The office gossip is what Sun Tzu refers to as "Doomed Spies". "It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings to the enemy." Verse 23 Chapter 13. THE USE OF SPIES If you find out that you have a staff who likes to divulge information on what's going on, be close to him. Listen to what he is talking but don't add anything, just listen. Investigate the info and act upon it discreetly so as not to show who the informant is. Also becareful if the office gossip talks about others to you, he can talk about you to other people.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

From the words of Sun Tzu-

How the Boss or Owner can bring down a Company
12. There are three ways in which a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army:-- 13. (1) By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey. This is called hobbling the army. 14. (2) By attempting to govern an army in the same way as he administers a kingdom, being ignorant of the conditions which obtain in an army. This causes restlessness in the soldier's minds. 15. (3) By employing the officers of his army without discrimination, through ignorance of the military principle of adaptation to circumstances. This shakes the confidence of the soldiers. Chapter III. ATTACK BY STRATAGEM verse 12 -15
What this verses means is that the boss or CEO should leave the running of the operations to the managers that is closer to the operations. This is because these people know how bad or good the situation is. They know whether they can win or lose. If the CEO insists of his orders being followed without knowing the outcome than his company might fail. One example is when I was working as a waiter in a hotel that has just been taken over by an international chain. The Group General Manager insisted that we serve the local dishes in woks. We tried to explain to him that the local taboo is that its bad manners to eat from the wok. He didn't want to listen. The result of this came in the form of bad publicity and lose of business from the local community due to the fact that they didn't want to eat from the wok and that the hotel was not sensitive to the local culture. In some companies, there are times when the bosses or owners insist on put personnel even though the person is not experienced. This will then make the experienced staff there feel very frustrated working for a boss that doesn't know their job.
Sun Tzu has verse for that to. 33. If there disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary. Chapter IX. THE ARMY ON THE MARCH verse 33

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Art of Wars teaches Virtues of a Good Leader

The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, discipline and courage. CHAPTER 1. LAYING PLANS Verse 9
 From the above verse you will see the five characteristics that are required by Sun Tzu in order to be a good general. Let's see how this is relevant to our daily life.

So what does wisdom mean to us managers? What this translates to is that managers must have the knowledge on how to run his/her operations. He doesn't need to know everything but he must be able to make wise decision quick and correctly most of the time. He must be able to learn from mistakes if he has made a wrong decision. He also must be able to create strategies and take advantage of rising opportunity and avoid unnecessary dangers. That is why I recommend to those college students that are coming out to the working life, to work as lower ranking personnel first for a few years, learn the ropes then only go for the management position that they studied for. By this way the staff won't be able to cheat you where work is concerned.

The Importance of the Lower Rankin Personnel
Sincerity means that the manager must 'walk the talk'. He must show that he means business, he must lead by example. This will then create trust with his team members. As it has been shown throughout history, once a general has the trust of his army. He will then be able to unite his army against their enemies. This rule applies to managers as well. If a manager could not or do not reward for a job well done, it is unlikely that his team member would put in their best since they feel that they are not appreciated. Same thing for punishment, if certain rules are set out but team members who flout it are not punished, it would create chaos in the company's organization and structure.

Benevolence is understanding, accommodating and loves for his team members. On how to take care of his army, Sun Tzu mentions it in Chapter 10. But one must remember that too much pampering will spoil the army, making them too comfortable, thus making them feel that they cannot be replaced. Therefore they can hold us for ransom. What is happening to the workforce nowadays is a fine example. They want more and more and if their request is not met they will go on strike. That is why the next virtue is important to balance the outcome.

Discipline is needed to balance the characteristic of benevolence. With discipline one must also be fair. Ensure that all your staff is given the same discipline standards and there is no favoritism. This will then show the staff you mean business. You, yourself must have great self-discipline, to set a good example to your army, gaining trust in the process as well.

Courage as most of us may know is what great leaders have. He must be able to face dangers with his army. What would his army think of him if he is the first one to flee away from danger, leaving his army to face it instead? In life, the manager should be able to face any situation that comes. He shouldn't let his team handle the situation while he hides away in his office. That's where the first virtue comes in Wisdom. He should take responsibility for the mistakes that are made under his department because at the end of the day, he is responsible for what is going on in the department. He should have the courage to make unfavorable or unpopular decisions. If the manager lacks courage in making difficult decision, he would be leading his company to a 'slow death'. Because most of the time these unfavorable decisions can cause huge damage that is accumulated in the long run.