Saturday, December 26, 2015

If You are Not Earning More, Maybe you Need to Change your Life Style

I like reading about how people become successful and also rich. And most importantly how they stay rich. People like Carlos Slim, Warren Buffet and so on. I always thought that these rich people live lavishly. Staying at the best hotels, have a great big mansion with lots of rooms, eat great food and even wear expensive cloths. After reading about this rich people, I foundout that the majority of themhave frugal life styles. Warren Buffet and Carlos Sim stays in the same house they bought when they were just coming up. In a moderate income neighbour hood. They also don't follow the "Keeping Up with the Joneses" mentality. Here is an article about 8 ways to change your lifetsyle to earn more money. What caught my sttention is waking up early. After converting to Islam, I had to wake up very early for morning prayers. It was a chore a bit, but later I found that after prayers I could do lots of things before other people woke up. I got any hour head start before the rest of the world. Later I found out is that is also the lifestyle habit of the successful rich and famous. Below is an excerpt from the article, if you would like to know more please click on the link below.

8 lifestyle changes to make if you want to earn more money

Wake up earlier.
They say the early bird gets the worm, and there may be truth behind those words.
Early risers get a head start on everyone else by responding to emails, exercising, meditating, or reading before many of us have even hit the snooze button — and they are happier and healthier because of it.
Some of the most powerful, successful people swear by an early wake up call — if it works for them, it could work for you.

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Money Advise from 9 Successful People

Recently I have cleared three of my four credit cards. I used to be a spendtrift, just swiping my credit card for everything. So eventually I maxed all credit card. Then I picked up two great books,"The Richest Man in Babylon" and "The Wealthy Barber". Since then, I am always interested in articles on ways to be debt free. I have also read books by Robert Kiyosaki and have a audio tape on the "Millionaire Next Door".

Here an article on 9 successful people sharing the smartest thing that they have done with their mney

Below is an excerpt from the article. If you want to know more, please click on the link.

9 successful people share the smartest thing they’ve ever done with their money

I paid myself first.

Tony Robbins, motivational speaker, author of the bestseller “MONEY: Master The Game“

“In a nutshell: Set aside a portion of my income to start to build my critical mass and committed to paying myself first.

“Explained further: One of the best pieces of advice that I received came from Ken Blanchard. I first met Ken when I was 24. At that time I was writing my very first book. It went on to land a spot on the New York Times Best Seller list, and I was gaining momentum and building my business.

“Like most people, I had already heard of George S. Clason’s 1926 classic, ‘The Richest Man In Babylon‘ the day that Ken pulled me aside for a talking-to. I was aware of a central concept in the book, the simple idea of paying yourself first — that is, taking 10% of your income and setting it aside to grow and protect you in the future. But Ken connected with me, and imparted a message at this critical time that I was coming into myself as a young businessman — he taught me something that many business owners don’t realize.

“He said:

Tony, any amount of money that you feed your business, it will eat. So in writing a book, you are doing something here that is outside of the business. You are doing something that is going to support the company hopefully by bringing in new fans of your work, who then maybe engage with your brand, and do business with your company.

Since the company is getting that benefit, make sure you take the profits of your book and set them aside, and never allow them into your company’s account. This is the most important career advice given to me by another man and I want to pass it on to you. Remember Tony: A business is always hungry.

“Decades have gone by since Ken Blanchard spoke those words to me. I now have over 20 companies and I’m actively involved in running a dozen of them. Throughout the years, those words never left me. In fact, they became the basis of financial independence as I know it.”