Do you ever feel like you’re a hamster in a wheel, running as fast as you can, but going absolutely no where?
Do you feel overwhelmed and over-extended? Is your life pulling you in a million different directions?
It’s crazy, right?
Once upon a time I was that person who was overwhelmed, stressed to the max, and drowning in a sea of every day busy. I woke up every morning with a list a mile long of urgent things to do and I went to sleep with a list a mile long of urgent things to do.
Even when I slept, my brain ran the hamster wheel at warp speed. I was mentally and physically fried.
All this overwhelm showed up in my body as cancer. It was literally my body saying ENOUGH. I had to learn to do things differently. I had to learn how to quit paying homage to the almighty gods of busy. I had to learn how to live life on my terms and not
somebody else’s terms or how they thought I should live my life.
As I shifted my life around, I began collecting motivational quotes to help keep me off the hamster wheel.
Today I’m sharing 13 of my favorite motivational quotes with you. Maybe one or two or five will help you get off the crazy busy hamster wheel and save your emotional well being.
1. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson
While I was busy taking care of everyone else and their wants and needs, I realized I was doing nothing to take care of mine. Running myself into the ground wasn’t the thing I wanted to achieve. This quote served as my reminder that what I wanted to achieve mattered and the only way to achieve it was with enthusiasm.2. Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
I remember just sitting on the tracks of life and getting run over. Sometimes I didn’t even know if I was on the right track or not.
Thanks Will. You reminded me to keep moving on my right track.
3. The mind is everything. What you think you become. #Buddha
It took a while for me to get this and put it into practice. As long as I thought I had to take care of everyone else, I became the “care taker.” And as I learned through reading Melody Beattie’s book, “The Language of Letting Go” care-taking doesn’t work. It sends a silent message to those being taken care of, “I don’t think you are capable of taking care of yourself.” It’s a double dose of resentment.Click here to read the other 10 Motivational Quotes for Your Unstoppable Life 13 Motivational Quotes For Your Unstoppable Life