A man who retired comfortably at age 30 explains how much money he had to save
After a mere 10 years of working as software engineers, Peter Adeney (better known as “Mr. Money Mustache”) and his wife Simi had enough money to retire comfortably and debt-free.That was in 2005, right before Mr. Money Mustache’s 31st birthday.
“This was achieved not through luck or amazing skill,” he emphasized to Farnoosh Torabi on episode 38 of “So Money,” her personal finance podcast. “But simply by living a lifestyle about 50% less expensive than most of our peers and investing the surplus in very boring, conservative Vanguard index funds and a rental house or two.”
Mr. Money Mustache clearly figured something out — and he shares tips and strategies on his personal blog — but just how much sacrifice did it take to set himself up for such an early retirement? How much of his and his wife’s combined $134,000 salary was going to savings?
“I saved about two-thirds of our take home pay,” he told Torabi.
Read more at A man who retired comfortably at age 30 explains how much money he had to save
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