Monday, July 6, 2015

How to Get More of Everything You Want

Harder, better, faster, stronger—this is how you achieve the “er”

Kim was a wedding planner working seven days a week. She was a wife and mother to three young kids—one with Asperger’s—and she was missing out on their lives. Between client meetings, events, paperwork, errands and household obligations, Kim was constantly on the go. Each of her children had full schedules as well, and she found herself being pulled in a million different directions at once. She felt anxious, exhausted and constantly behind schedule.

Kim’s story is one we hear all too often. From burnout to a sense of overwhelm to hopelessness, the symptoms of lack vary from person to person. But they all signal the need for something more—more happiness, more health, more wealth. And the secret to gaining all three of these is the same. It’s the secret of Er.

Er is any adjective that describes something you want more of in your life. Most people want to be wealthier, happier and healthier. What they don’t realize is that the secret to getting more in your life rests in amplifying an Er already in your life. It might be that you need to risk bolder, dream bigger or connect closer. If you’re a business owner or leader, it could be that you need to be clearer, franker, kinder or steadier. In your personal life, it may be time for you to step out and be braver, stay committed and be stronger, or be vulnerable and be barer to those you love.

The secret of Er is a decision to reject your old, acceptable ways of living and working that are creating unacceptable results. Nothing changes until something changes, and, as Kim learned, one change can change everything.

For Kim, the true value of the changes you make through Er are emotionally healing, and not just financial or material gain. The secret is a strategy for whole life happiness and fulfillment, and it can (and should) impact every area of a your life—spiritual, relational, financial, physical and mental.

So, why do we get to a place of such lack in our lives in the first place? There are four reasons:

1. Bad tapes: Many of us continually play bad “tapes” in our heads, and they become the voices we hear the most. These negative beliefs echo in our minds until we believe the ideas that say we will never succeed. What we say to ourselves is a predictor for how much Er we will get—at a certain point, we must say, Enough is enough, and become willing to change.

2. Clarity: Sometimes we lose our passion. Our purpose becomes fuzzy. We become passive and procrastinate any real change. Without a clear vision of where we want to go, we can’t possibly get more of what we want in life.

This was Kim’s problem. When she started as a wedding planner, she loved the time freedom it offered her and enjoyed working events. But as her schedule became more hectic and after becoming a mother, she discovered that she no longer had the same passion for her business.

3. Lack of observation: Benjamin Franklin once said, “The eye of the master will do more than both of his hands.” When we don’t stop to truly analyze what new efforts would drive our desired results, we get stuck in a rut of unproductive action. We just throw brute force, time and money at a problem or goal without really thinking through and observing what specific changes would make that goal a reality or that problem go away.

4. Absence of faith: Often, we know what we should do, but we don’t apply the effort because fear has taken over. We feel a deep uncertainty about whether or not we will be able to achieve it. Fear must be replaced with faith, which is partly defined as the assurance of things hoped for in order for new and proper action to occur

To know more how to unlock the abundance of life, click here How to Get More of Everything You Want


8 Ways to Live in 'THE ZONE'

Samurai warriors were without a doubt some of the fiercest fighters who ever existed. The key to the samurai’s incredible fighting ability was the complete elimination of their fear of death and their complete focus on being in the present moment.

They did this by entirely de-energizing their fear of death. If a person in a fighting situation is distracted by thoughts of being hurt or dying, he will be the loser. Samurai warriors were unencumbered by these fears and were courageous in the face of the unknown. In short, they were empowered by a lack of fear, and this allowed them to completely focus, react and stay in the present moment. They fought without hesitation and with complete confidence.

They were “IN THE ZONE”, they “OWNED THE ZONE”.

Read on here 8 Ways to Live in 'THE ZONE'

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