Since upgrading myself to Managerial positions, I'm always on the lookout for books that help me improve myself. Books that guide me on how to manage people, work and even life. One great book which I still read and use its methods is The One Minute Manager. Its one of the reading material that I recommend to any of my employee that is going to be a manager. When I was working for a hotel chain, they used the Sun Tzu's Art of War in their managerial skills. Did some research on the Art of War to improve my leadership skills. And I have been using it in my life and work till now. Here are some ways in which I use the art of war. I will add some as I go along. Hope my interpretation of this ancient methods will help others in managing life and work.
The Legend of the Art of War
Understanding Sun Tzu on the Art of War
The legend goes that Sun Tzu was born into minor nobility in what is now Shandong, a part of China north of Shanghai. He wrote a military treatise in order to get noticed and hired by royalty. He wrote a 13 chapter called The Art of War. The Art of War is a philosophy of war for managing conflicts and winning battles. The book is not only popular among military theorists, but it has also become increasingly popular among political leaders and those in business management. Despite its title, The Art of War, The Art of War teaches you to win without fighting.
The use of Art of War in Planning
Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat (Chapter 1 : Verse 26 LAYING PLANS) This means planning. Every morning when the sun is rising I will stand facing the sun, just feeling its warmth. While doing this I will plan out the day. Visualize how its going to be. I also allow my junior managers some time in the office before they go into operations, to plan and get themselves ready. I also ask them what's their plan for the day.
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